Monday, June 27, 2016

Week 2: The Book of Ezra

Can you believe this week concludes our study in the Book of Ezra!! Congratulations, on completing another Nook of the Bible!! 
Here are your virtual resources for Week 2 in the Book of Ezra.

This week will will be reading Ezra, chapters 6-10.

Weekly Reading Plan:


Reflection Question for the day: They will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
God’s house is finally finished, just as commanded it to be. 
What good works have you accomplished for God? 

How do you know he is pleased?


Reflection Question for the day: The WORD of the Lord
What set your heart on the study of God’s law? 

How are you practicing what you learn in the Bible, in your daily life?


Reflection Question for the day: Seek God.
In what ways do you seek God?
How does He let you know you have found Him?

How can you share God’s favor with those around you? With those who have forsaken him?


Reflection Question for the day: God Will Forgive You.
We all sin, sometimes our sin(s) cause us to be ashamed, but so long as we repent, God will forgive the confession of sins. 
When was the last time you confessed? 

What sin(s) do you need to seek forgiveness for?


Reflection Question for the day: Community of Faith
Do you have a community of faith? Maybe you’ve got more than one.
How does your community of Faith build your faith?
In return, how do you build up the faith of those in your community of faith?

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Introduction to the Book of Ezra

We are excited for our upcoming study in the Book of Ezra! 📖 This Bible study begins Monday, June 20th. All are welcome to join!! 👭👭👭

Here's the excerpt from the New American Bible, Catholic Bible: Personal Study Edition; Oxford University Press, Inc.,1995, pgs 476-477. 
We thought you might find it helpful as we embark on our journey through Ezra. 

"The last four books of the Hebrew canon are Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 and 2 Chronicles, in that order. The combined work Ezra-Nehemiah is our most important literary source for the formation of the Jewish religion community after the Babylonian exile. This is known as the period of the Restoration, and the two men most responsible for the recognition of Jewish life at this time were Ezra & Nehemiah. 
Ezra is held in high esteem, in Jewish tradition, for all his religious and cultivate reform. 
Ezra is sometimes accused of having been a mere legalist who gave excessive attention to the letter of the law. His work, however, should be seen and judged within a specific historical context. He gave to his people a cohesion and spiritual unity which prevented the disintegration of the small Jewish community. Had it not been for the intransigence of Ezra and of those who adopted his ideals, it is doubtful that Judaism would have so effectively resisted Hellenism, then or I later centuries. Ezra set the tone for the postexillic community, and it was characterized by fidelity to the Torah, Judaism's authentic way of life. 

The Book of Ezra is divided as follows:
I. The Return from Exile (1, 1-6, 22)
Ii. The Deeds of Ezra (7, 1-10, 44)

The following list of the kings of Persia, with the dates of their reigns, will be useful for dating the events mentioned in Ezra (and Nehemiah):
Cyrus 538-529 BC
Cambyses 529-521 BC
Daruis I 521-485 BC
Xerxes 485-464 BC
Artaxerxes 464-423 BC
Darius II 423-404 BC
Artaxerxes 404-358 BC
Artaxerxes 358-337 BC
End of the Persian Empire (Defeat of Darius III) 331 BC"

📌 The Book of Ezra will be a two week study, all are welcome to join!!

Here are the links for your virtual 💻 #biblestudy resources:

Our Complete Study Guide contains the verse of the day, daily reflection questions and the WORD Guide. Get yours for just $1.99 at:
Here's a preview of the complete study guide. Each day you'll have the selected #verseoftheday, the Reflection Question for the day (with plenty of space to write) and the WORD guide for each day as well. 

As always our basic WORD Guide is FREE! Get it at:

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