WELCOME to Balanced Living Bible Study!
Whether you are a returning member of our Faith-Filled Life community or a NEW one we are so thrilled you have chosen to study the Bible with us! Our FB group leaders have already got their “Closed Groups” going but it isn’t too late to join one. Please comment below or comment on our FB page and we will get you in one.
Our 4-week long study begins Monday, September 17 but we thought it might be fun to switch things up with this study and give you an Introduction to the Book of Ruth. Although the Book of Ruth is about Ruth, there are two other women featured in this book alongside her - Naomi and Orpah. Then, of course we can't forget about the infamous male figure and hero of the story, Boaz.
Who is Ruth?
We find it interesting that Ruth is one of only two women in the Bible to have Books named after them, Ester being the other. Ruth is a Moabite woman and she is also a young widow. She is the daughter-in-law of Naomi and although she is dismissed, she refuses to leave. Ruth is beautiful both inside and out, which matches the meaning of her name “a sight worth seeing”. She is loyal, devout (as well as a convert), and has a kind heart. She is the kind of woman other women strive to emulate. She is our protagonist.
Who is Naomi?
During the rule of the Judges, which is when this Book takes place, there was a great famine that raged against the land of Israel and its people. When Naomi’s husband, Elimelech, decides to move the family from Bethlehem to Moab their fate is set – suffering, trial after trial is endured, as well as that of Ruth and her sister-in-law Orpah. Naomi is Ruth’s mother-in-law.
Who is Orpah?
Orpah is also Naomi’s daughter-in-law but she is quite different from Ruth. Upon the death of her husband Orpah hugs her mother-in-law but does not cling to her as Ruth did - she leaves, which allows us to see what an incredible gesture of loyalty and love Ruth offers to Naomi by staying. Orpah isn’t our antagonist but rather a contrast to the depiction of what Ruth’s grace and conversion really mean.
Who is Boaz?
Boaz is the hero of this story but we don’t want to give too much away as to why… so we will simply say that he is a wealthy landowner in Bethlehem who is related to Naomi’s late husband.
If you can’t wait to read it for yourself and want a sneak peek at one of the Bible’s greatest love stories?
Read the link below: Ruth and Boaz: A Romance That Models God's Love for Us
The Book of Ruth Chapter Outline
- Introduction: Naomi Emptied (1:1-5)
- Naomi Returns from Moab (1:6-22)
- Ruth Clings to Naomi (1:6-18)
- Ruth and Naomi Return to Bethlehem (1:19-22)
- Ruth and Boaz Meet in the Harvest Fields (ch. 2)
- Ruth Begins Work (2:1-7)
- Boaz Shows Kindness to Ruth (2:8-16)
- Ruth Returns to Naomi (2:17-23)
- Naomi Sends Ruth to Boaz's Threshing Floor (ch. 3)
- Naomi Instructs Ruth (3:1-5)
- Boaz Pledges to Secure Redemption (3:6-15)
- Ruth Returns to Naomi (3:16-18)
- Boaz Arranges to Fulfill His Pledge (4:1-12)
- Boaz Confronts the Unnamed Kinsman (4:1-8)
- Boaz Buys Naomi's Property and Announces His Marriage to Ruth (4:9-12)
- Conclusion: Naomi Filled (4:13-17)
- Epilogue: Genealogy of David (4:18-22)
Want to know even more? We don’t blame you!
Here are four, chapter by chapter, resources for Ruth: