Wednesday, April 20, 2016

13 Times You Can Pray Throughout Your Day

Over and over again, women in our Bible Study Community share a desire to find more time to pray. I'll tell you, the time is already there, you just have to see it. 

Recently a dear friend pointed out that maybe we're going about our prayer life all wrong. She says, "Prayers doesn't have to take place at a designated time, in a designated location, for a set amount of time." I must confess, I sometimes fall into this notion, that prayers is an eloquent, lengthy, poetic dialogue to God, when really I think it's could be something more genuine and real. 

God wants us to have a real conversation with him, one that's genuine and continuous, so why not "talk" to Him throughout your day, just like you do with anyone one else who's got a significant place in your life. The quote, "Have you prayed about it, as much as you've talked about it" comes to mind. God is available 24/7, so why not make ourselves available too - in good times, not just when there's a crisis. 

Here are 13 Moments I've personally found time to Pray throughout my day...

1. Right after I hit the Snooze Button πŸ”Š
I usually set my alarm for 5:00Am, but rarely do I actually get out of bed before I've hit the snooze but at least twice. πŸ˜‰ In those extra 15-20 minutes, trying to wake up, talk to God. πŸ™πŸΌ

2. In the Shower πŸ’¦
How long do you spend in the shower? My guess is at least 10 minutes. This is a perfect time to pray. πŸ™πŸΌ

3. Breakfast 🍌🍳 ...or if your like me and skip breakfast, but drink Coffee ☕️
Before you break bread, bow your head. πŸ™πŸΌ this is a great time to include your kids too. 

4. While you Brush your Teeth 😁 (AM & PM)
You've got 2 times or more a day to pray, while you Brush your pearly whites. I've got an electric tooth brush that times me while I brush, so I know I've got at least 2 minutes here to Thank the Lord for all His many blessings. πŸ™πŸΌ

5. The Commute to Work, Dropping off Kids, or Runnning Errands πŸš™
Basically any time you are in your car. Most of my commutes are at least 15 minutes or more. Turn off your radio 🎢 and pray instead. πŸ™πŸΌ

6. At Lunch πŸ•
Before you munch on your lunch, talk to God. πŸ™πŸΌ

7. While you Workout πŸŠπŸΌπŸš΄πŸΌπŸƒπŸ»
This has been the most life changing time for prayer for me. I usually spend about an hour working out. Instead of plugging in my headphones right away 🎧, I'll pray. πŸ™πŸΌ

8. While you Pump Gas ⛽️

9. During Commercial Breaks πŸ“Ί

10. While Folding Laundry πŸ‘•πŸ‘–

11. While doing Dishes 🍴

12. At Dinner 🍝
We do our best to have a sit down family dinner as often as possible. My husband always leads us in prayer. πŸ™πŸΌ

13. Before You Go to Bed πŸ’€
Lay back, close your eyes and talk to God. πŸ™πŸΌ Some of the best nights sleep I've ever had, happens after I've spent time with the King. πŸ‘‘

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